Storage Insights
The Kids are Home for the Holidays: Give them a Self-Storage Unit for Christmas
July 28, 2024

Winter vacation is here. You’re so excited that your college student is going to be home for several weeks. If this is your first time as a parent with a college kid who has been staying in a dorm, you’re in for a love-hate experience.  You love that your child is going to be home for about a month between semesters because you’ve really missed the patter of their little feet sneaking out when they’re supposed to be enjoying yet another evening of family get-togethers. But, you hate that your child is bringing home all that junk. Didn’t you just drop it off last week??

You’re probably thinking to yourself that this shouldn’t happen until the end of freshman year. Your student has other ideas. They brought everything home because either (a) they don’t like their roommate and want to move to a new room, or (b) they’re moving into an apartment with a new friend…hmm…, or (c) they’ve decided school is not for them, and they’re going to live in your basement until they “find their purpose” (which could be forever if you’re not careful). 

You love your kid, but might not want these items taking up residence in your garage or basement. These things seem to have reproduced during the semester. The mountains of clothes are not really a problem because they will live in the closet from which they came.  However, be warned. If you send a girl to school, she will come home with far more clothes and shoes than she left with. The extra money that you gave her for food was probably spent on shoes. Now you know why she’s losing weight.  

Whatever the problem, you need a solution – a reasonable option that will keep your space just the way it is – full of your own possessions. You need something affordable, but with state-of-the-art security, including electronic gates, perimeter fencing, and 24-hour video monitoring.  You need month-to-month leasing because, even if you choose to keep this space for longer than a month, your student will eventually graduate (or, hopefully,  move out of your house). 

The Gift that Keeps on Giving

It’s time to give your student the gift that keeps on giving: a convenient, reliable, self-storage unit. If they’re planning to move but stay in school, you need a local facility. If school is “not for them,” you need a facility near your home. In any case,for more information read How to Choose a Storage Facility. 

Check out these tips to help narrow the search for a storage unit.

  • Easy and Accessible

You want to be convenient to school or home, but also in a safe area. Look for 7-day a week as well as drive-up access.  

  • Security and Peace of Mind

You want security not only to keep the things safe, but to keep the student safe. Look for a clean, well-lit property that is fully fenced and gated with digital video recording and electronic keypad access.  Have the manager take you on a tour of the property, and check to see if a tenant protection plan is available.

  • Added Amenities

Depending on the items you’re storing, you may be interested in climate-controlled storage or a free truck with move-in.

  • Discount

Don’t forget to check on available specials, particularly student discount programs.

  Whatever you decide, your life will be less chaotic with a storage solution.  And remember to have a serious conversation with your kids. You don’t want them storing their younger siblings, pets, or that roommate that doesn’t believe in personal hygiene. Take a deep breath…only 3(???) more years.

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