Safely Storing Pharmaceuticals in Self Storage Units

April 29, 2024 Climate Controlled Storage

Boxes of inventory, samples of drugs, and stacks of marketing materials can pile up for the average pharmaceutical sales rep. Keeping these items organized, accessible, and, most importantly, secure is critical.

When drugs and medical supplies are involved, safety and compliance are vital. For decades, pharmaceutical sales reps have depended on self storage as a secure and convenient option for their supplies. A climate-controlled self storage unit provides the perfect environment for temperature-sensitive medications and equipment.

Pharmaceuticals in Self Storage

Why Should You Use Self Storage for Pharmaceuticals

When storing pharmaceuticals, ensuring their safety is of paramount importance. They are highly sensitive to environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and light. If medications are exposed to unfavorable conditions, they can degrade. This type of damage can lead to drugs becoming ineffective or even harmful.

Theft is another reason to consider self storage for pharmaceuticals. It’s crucial to store them in a facility that has updated security features.

When selecting a self storage unit for pharmaceuticals, there are several factors to consider.

Look for a reputable self storage facility that has experience in storing pharmaceuticals and follows industry best practices.

Facilities should offer climate-controlled storage units and exceptional security features. Surveillance cameras, access control systems, and on-site personnel are essential. Many of today’s facilities have individually alarmed units and Bluetooth access.

My Storage Plus locations are an unrivaled self storage solution for pharmaceutical supplies. They offer a wide range of climate-controlled self storage units along with superior security, unparalleled customer service, and exceptional amenities. Your supplies will be safe, secure, and protected in a My Storage Plus facility.

Regulations and Compliance

Pharmaceutical storage is subject to various regulations and compliance requirements to ensure the safety and integrity of the medications.

These regulations are put in place to prevent contamination, maintain quality, and protect public health. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), has specific guidelines for pharmaceutical storage. They include temperature control, security measures, labeling requirements, and documentation.

Pharmaceutical professionals need to be aware of these regulations and comply with them to avoid legal consequences. By storing pharmaceuticals in self storage units that meet regulatory standards, quality and compliance are assured.

Tips for Safely Storing Pharmaceuticals

To ensure the safe storage of pharmaceuticals in self storage units, consider the following tips:

  • Proper Packaging: Use air-tight containers to protect pharmaceuticals from contamination and maintain their integrity.
  • Inventory Management: Keep a detailed inventory of all stored pharmaceuticals. This should include quantities, expiration dates, and batch numbers.
  • First-In, First-Out (FIFO) Method: Follow the FIFO method when organizing pharmaceutical storage. This means using the oldest medications first to minimize the risk of expiration.
  • Secure Locking Mechanisms: Ensure that your self storage unit has robust locking mechanisms to prevent unauthorized access and theft.
  • Regular Inspections: Conduct regular inspections of your pharmaceutical storage unit to check for any signs of damage, temperature fluctuations, or security breaches. Promptly address any issues with management.

Best Practices for Organizing and Labeling Pharmaceuticals

To ensure easy retrieval and minimize errors, efficient organization and clear labeling are essential. Follow these best practices:

  • Categorize by Type: Group pharmaceuticals based on their type, such as over-the-counter medications, prescription drugs, or medical supplies. This will make it easier to locate specific items when needed.
  • Separate by Storage Requirements: Different medications may require different storage conditions. Store pharmaceuticals with similar storage requirements together to ensure correct temperature and humidity control.
  • Use Clear Labels: Clearly label each container with the medication name, strength, lot number, and expiration date.
  • Consider Color Coding: Implement a color-coding system to distinguish between different types of medications.

Insurance Considerations for Pharmaceutical Storage in Self Storage Units

While self storage facilities have security features in place to protect pharmaceuticals, it is essential to have adequate insurance coverage. Consult with your insurance professional to assess the insurance coverage available for pharmaceutical storage.

Consider policies that provide coverage for theft, damage, natural disasters, and other unforeseen events. Review the policy terms carefully to ensure that your pharmaceutical inventory is adequately protected.

Maintain accurate records, including invoices, purchase orders, and temperature logs. These items are valuable documentation in the event of an insurance claim.


Maintain the quality of your inventory by choosing a reputable self storage facility that offers climate control and superior security features.

Implement best practices for organization and labeling to minimize the risk of error and ensure easy retrieval. Regularly monitor your storage unit and obtain adequate insurance coverage. By following these guidelines, you can confidently store pharmaceuticals and ensure safety and compliance in self storage.

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